
Category: ‘Training’

Training: Basic Mediation Training

November 5 – 9, 2018 at the Kahanoff Centre, Calgary, AB COURSE OVERVIEW This (5-day) 35-hour course will cover the basics of interest-based mediation. We’ll start with understanding what conflict is, its impacts, and the different resolution processes available. We’ll explore basic self-awareness and our own contributions to conflicts and discover what our strengths are […]

Training: The Arbitration of Comprehensive Family Matters/ Parenting Coordination on Separation, Divorce and Related Situations

A five (5) day intensive contextual skills-based training program in the process, practice and role of the arbitrator, experts, others in arbitration June 12, 13, 14 & September 6 and 7, 2018 (9am-5pm) Kahanoff Centre, Calgary, AB COURSE OVERVIEW On the continuum of dispute resolution systems, arbitration is a less formal process for the resolution […]

Upcoming Training: A Training in the Arbitration of Comprehensive Family Matters/ Parenting Coordination on Separation, Divorce and Related Situations

The Alberta Family Mediation Society (AFMS) is pleased to present:   A Training in the Arbitration of Comprehensive Family Matters/Parenting Coordination on Separation, Divorce and Related Situations a five (5) day intensive contextual skills-based training program in the process, practice and role of the arbitrator, experts, others in arbitration June 12, 13, 14 and September […]