

Training: The Magic of Elder Mediation – The Star Component

August 27-29, 2018 at the Kahanoff Centre, Calgary, AB


Elder Mediation is based on a wellness model that promotes a person-centred approach for all participants; it is mindful of the older person(s) while respecting the rights of each person participating. Regardless of the numbers present, each person is unique with his or her own narrative, intrinsic value, strengths and weaknesses. Through the Elder Mediation lens, aging is viewed as part of a continuing process of development and change, rather than just a period of physical and cognitive decline.

This learning component will combine theory and practice throughout the 3 days. The curriculum is evidence based, practical, hands-on and stimulating. Through the development of concepts regarding Elder Mediation theory, integrated with skill building opportunities, participants will explore the following topics that are required hours for the Elder Mediation Certification program:

  • Balance of power and intersectionality
  • Myths, misconceptions & stereotyping throughout the entire circle of support
  • Implications of chronic health issues throughout the generations – how they impact the EM process
  • The grief continuum for all involved – implications for EM
  • Denial & ambivalence
  • Initial conversations role play & screening
  • Predictors of crisis
  • Capacity building for all who are present
  • Elder Mediation in action – role play
  • Financial abuse & ethical considerations
  • Referral processes
  • Legal/non-legal divide.

Venue: Kahanoff Conference Centre, 105 12th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB

Presenter: Judy McCann-Beranger

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