
Become a Mediator/Member

Are you an active mediator, mediator-in-training or someone with a strong interest in alternative dispute resolution?

Consider joining us with a membership in the Alberta Family Mediation Society.

Membership Benefits

  • Professional Designations - General Membership (GM) in AFMS includes the opportunity to apply for designation as a Registered Family Mediator (RFM), a Practising Mediator (PM), or a Registered Parenting Coordinator and Arbitrator (RPCA).
  • AFMS Website - In addition to information of interest to family mediators, the AFMS website provides the general public with comprehensive search facilities to locate specific mediators in their area. This directory is a list of all qualified mediators with a short biography on each RFM, PM and RPCA.
  • Province-Wide Referrals - AFMS, through the Find A Mediator function on the AFMS website and the toll-free phone line (1-877-233-0143), provides province wide referrals of qualified mediators to the public.
  • Professional Code of Conduct - The AFMS supports the highest standards of practice for family mediators and as such has developed and provides its members with a Professional Code of Conduct.
  • Membership Certificates - Current members can request an electronic certificate of membership.
  • Annual Conference - The annual conference is AFMS’ premiere event, featuring informed and innovative speakers discussing up-to-date developments in family mediation.
  • AFMS and Family Mediation Canada (FMC) have a membership partnership (since April 2022) whereby current members of AFMS can opt in for automatic General Membership with FMC at no extra cost. Details on the AFMS application forms. (  This is a $140/year benefit.

Reference letter form

If you're submitting reference letters in support of your application for a designation, please use this: AFMS letter of reference

Membership Categories

A. General Member (GM)
Anyone interested in the field of mediation is welcome to join AFMS as a General Member.
To become a General Member, simply print and complete the Application Form and return it to [email protected] along with the required membership fee.  General Members are NOT listed on the AFMS website. All applicants submitting applications for the designations below must become General Members first.

B. Practising Mediator (PM)
PMs have demonstrated a basic level of family mediation training and experience. This is typically a stepping stone to the specialty areas of RFM status (below) and/or most appropriate for mediators for whom their mediation practice is a small part of their professional practice.
All Practising Mediators (PMs) must meet A – D requirements, listed here>>> Read more

C. Registered Family Mediator (RFM)
Mediators with significant experience and training may qualify for Registered Family Mediator (RFM) status in one or more of our 4 specialty areas (must choose at least one):

Important information for Registered Family Mediators:
Three real mediation reports (identifiers removed) are required for each specialty area.  Here are some examples of acceptable mediation reports:  Complete Example, Incomplete Example 1, Incomplete Example 2

D. Registered Parenting Coordinator Arbitrator (RPCA) or Registered Family Mediator Arbitrator (RFMA)
The role/purpose of an Arbitration Hybrid Designation is designed to assist parties in resolving family matters through mediation if possible and by binding arbitration, if necessary. The mediation and arbitration are pursuant to the provisions of:

  • the Divorce Act, the Family Property Act, the Family Law Act, and any other relevant legislation including any amendments,
  • the Arbitration Act of Alberta, RSA 2000, c A-43, and any amendments [the “Act”] and the laws of the Province of Alberta.

In this process the RPCA or RFMA has a dual role as both a mediator and arbitrator. Read More

E. Elder Mediator – Certified by Family Mediation Canada (FMC)
AFMS takes pride in endorsing the Elder Mediator certification offered by our national leader, Family Mediation Canada. Through AFMS' membership collaboration with FMC, members have the opportunity to be featured on the AFMS website as a Certified Elder Mediator. This program focuses on aging-related and generational matters that families are challenged with. This field is quickly developing and diversifying throughout Canada and is a highly significant facet of family mediation. The objective of the FMC Elder Mediation program is to establish a uniform standard within Canada for Elder Mediators, through stringent training, education and certification, so that Canadian families can access and rely upon competent mediators.
The goal is to ensure that FMC Certified Elder Mediators are highly trained and competent professionals committed to ethical practice in this evolving field. Visit FMC to explore the prerequisites and training opportunities.

FMC Certification Process | Family Mediation Canada

F. Student Membership
General Membership with AFMS is available to full-time students at a reduced fee.  Full-time status must be submitted.  To become a General Member as a student, simply print and complete the Application Form and send it to [email protected] along with the reduced membership fee. General Member Application Form for Students

Membership Renewals

Existing members wishing to renew their AFMS membership click here to renew your membership.


Applicants requiring professional liability insurance, if they do not have it through their current employer, can get it through the Family Mediation Canada group insurance plan. Membership with FMC is required ($140/year). Go to

AFMS and FMC have a dual membership partnership where all General Members of AFMS (and designations above) can opt-in for dual membership with FMC at no extra charge.  This is a $140/year benefit.